Ship Berthing At a Floating Pier

This paper presents results of a berthing analysis and their significance to the design of berthing facilities in unique conditions where traditional methods may not apply. The analysis was conducted with a RANS based simulation model coupled with a six-degree-offreedom motion code. This hybrid model treats the pier, ships, and harbor basin as a coupled system. The simulation used real design parameters of a conceptual floating pier in an extremely shallow basin to emphasize fluid effects. Results indicate that the flow induced by a large ship berthing in shallow water has crucial impacts on all aspects of a ship berth. This flow essentially dictates the berthing energy and hence the fender forces. Ship induced hydrodynamic forces could be multiple times of ship inertia. The flow further complicates couplings among floating pier and ships at berth. Fluid influences should hence be accentuated in the design of coupling structures for floating piers. Traditional methods for berthing energy assessment should be used with extra care when one or more of these situations exist: shallow water, large ship, and floating pier.