Prolegomena to General-Imaging-Based Probabilistic Dynamic Epistemic Logic

In this paper, I propose a new version of probabilistic dynamic epistemic logic (GIPDEL) that is based on general imaging, and sketch the proof of soundness and completeness of this logic. The Monty Hall dilemma is a common topic in probabilistic dynamic epistemic logic. Using conditionalisation-based probabilistic dynamic epistemic logic (CPDEL), Kooi ([7]) supported the answer that I should switch my choice. However, it is acknowledged that this answer is counterintuitive. Using GIPDEL, I can support the answer that I do not have to switch my choice. Intuition would suggest this answer. Moreover, GIPDEL can give a plausible answer to a modified version of the Monty Hall dilemma to which CPDEL gives an extremely counterintuitive answer.