Environment and transport in economic modelling

Introduction: Modelling Environment and Transport R. Roson, K. Small. Optimal Pricing and Regulation of Transport Externalities: A Welfare Comparison of Some Policy Alternatives B. De Borger, D. Swysen. Revealed Preferences, Externalities and Optimal Pricing for Urban Transportation R. Roson. Environmental Effects and Scale Economies in Transport Modelling: Some Results for the UK J. Peirson, R. Vickerman. Carbon Emissions and the Economic Costs of Transport Policy in Sweden G. Harrison, B. Kristrom. Evaluating External Costs and Benefits Resulting from a Cleaner Environment in a Stylised CGE Model G. Pireddu. Economic Incentive Policies Under Uncertainty: The Case of Vehicle Emission Fees W. Harrington, et al. Forecasting the Environmental Effects of Road Pricing in London J. Bates. Optimal Speed Limits for Various Types of Roads: a Social Cost-Benefit Analysis for the Netherlands P. Rietveld, et al.