The hematological manifestations of brucellosis include anemia, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia and clotting disorders. In this case report, two patients, with clinically and serologically proven brucellosis, manifesting with thrombocytopenia were presented. The first patient who was a 32 years old man, was admitted to the hospital with the complaints of fever, malaise and night sweats. His Brucella agglutination titer was 1/1280 and thrombocyte count was 41.000/mm3. The second case was a 46 years old man with the complaints of fever and rash. His Brucella agglutination titer was 1/640, thrombocyte count was 38.000/mm3. Following treatment with doxycycline and rifampisin the thrombocyte counts of the patients returned to normal (respectively, 176.000/mm3 and 162.000/mm3. The blood cultures of both of these patients did not yield Brucella. The antibiotic therapy of patients discontinued after 6 weeks, with full recovery.