Design and performance analysis of scheduling algorithms for WDM-PON under SUCCESS-HPON architecture

Results of the design and performance analysis of two new algorithms for efficient and fair scheduling of variable-length frames in a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)-passive optical network (PON) under the Stanford University aCCESS-Hybrid PON (SUCCESS-HPON) architecture are reported. The WDM-PON under the SUCCESS-HPON architecture has unique features that have direct impacts on the design of scheduling algorithms. First, an optical line terminal (OLT) uses tunable transmitters and receivers that are shared by all the optical network units (ONUs) served by the OLT to reduce the number of expensive dense WDM (DWDM) transceivers. Second, also for cost reduction, ONUs have no local DWDM light sources but use optical modulators to modulate optical continuous wave (CW) bursts provided by the OLT for upstream transmissions. Therefore, the tunable transmitters at the OLT are used for both upstream and downstream transmissions. To provide efficient bidirectional communications between the OLT and the ONUs and guarantee fairness between upstream and downstream traffic, two scheduling algorithms have been designed: 1) batching earliest departure first (BEDF); and 2) sequential scheduling with schedule-time framing (S/sup 3/F). The BEDF is based on the batch scheduling mode where frames arriving at the OLT during a batch period are stored in virtual output queues (VOQs) and scheduled at the end of the batch period. It improves transmission efficiency by selecting the frame with the earliest departure time from a batch of multiple frames, which optimizes the usage of tunable transmitters in scheduling. Considering the high complexity of the optimization process in BEDF, the S/sup 3/F based on the sequential scheduling mode has also been designed as in the original sequential scheduling algorithm proposed earlier. In S/sup 3/F, the authors use VOQs to provide memory space protection among traffic flows and a granting scheme together with schedule-time framing for both upstream and downstream traffic to reduce framing and guard band overhead. Through extensive simulations under various configurations of the tunable transmitters and receivers, it has been demonstrated that both the BEDF and S/sup 3/F substantially improve the throughput and delay performances over the original sequential scheduling algorithm, while guaranteeing better fairness between upstream and downstream traffic.

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