Teste de envelhecimento acelerado para avaliação do potencial fisiológico de sementes de rabanete

The objective of this study was to compare different procedures to conduct the accelerated aging test for radish seeds. Six lots of radish seeds, cultivar Vip Crimson were used. The initial quality of the seeds was evaluated through the following tests: moisture content, germination, germination first count, germination at low temperature, and seedling emergence at different temperatures. In the first stage, the seeds were tested by traditional and saturated salt accelerated aging and in the second stage non-saturated NaCl solution for 48, 72 and 96 hours at 41oC. The experimental design for the first stage was six treatments (lots) and in the second stage four treatments (lots) with four replicates. In the procedures used in the accelerated aging test, the exposure periods of 72 hours at 41oC with saturated NaCl solution and of 48h at 41oC with non- saturated NaCl solution were adequate for the physiological potential of radish seeds.