Nexus of energy saving and air quality in China's energy industries during the 12th Five Year Period

Abstract Energy consumption and air quality have become two major factors limiting the sustainable development in China. Energy efficiency and air quality improvement are critical for the healthy growth of China's economy. Few studies have investigated the relationship between energy-saving and air quality. This study analyzes the nexus of energy-saving and air quality in three Chinese energy sectors. Coefficients that characterize the relationship between energy consumption and waste gas emission are estimated by input-output method. Then, the air quality-improving effects associated with the enforcement of energy-saving policies in energy sectors are calculated for each year in the 12 th Five Year Plan, namely from 2010 to 2014. The results show: (1) Only the power sector has achieved reducing waste gas emission, while coal sector and oil sector haven’t. (2) For coal sector and oil sector, most of the waste gas emission is due to using the intermediate products which produced by high emitting sectors, while in power sector, waste gas emission is due to the direct emission during electricity generation.