Efficient calculation of differential seismograms for lithospheric receiver functions

SUMMARY A new technique for computing differential seismograms for crustal and upper mantle response to a teleseismic wave (receiver functions) is developed using the matrix formalism of Kennett. The work was motivated by the difficulty of modelling teleseismic SV-waves, and has also proven useful for modelling teleseismic P-waves. This efficient method for calculating differential seismograms is based on three separate methods for computing synthetic seismograms. Two of the synthetic seismogram methods save intermediate results; then the remaining synthetic seismogram algorithm uses the stored results in an efficient calculation of a new synthetic seismogram for a perturbed velocity model. These developments have led to a faster (for a 30-layer model, a 90 per cent reduction in computation time) and more accurate linearized inversion scheme for the determination of velocity models using teleseismic waves.