In this paper integration of wind power generation into the Croatian electricity supply is analysed using available technologies. The starting point is a model of the energy system in Croatia in 2007. Comprehensive hour-by-hour energy system analyses are conducted of a complete system meeting electricity, heat and transport demands, and including renewable energy, power plants, and combined heat and power production (CHP) for district heating. Using the 2007 energy system the wind power share is increased by two energy storage options: Pumped Hydro and Heat Pumps in combination with Heat Storages. The results show that such options can enable an increased penetration of wind power. Using pumped hydro storage (PHS) may increase wind power penetration from 0.5 TWh, for existing PHS installations and up to 6 TWh for very large installations. Using large heat pumps and heat storages in combination with specific regulation of power system could additionally increase wind penetration for 0.37 TWh. Hence, with the current technologies installed in the Croatian energy system the installed pumped hydro-plant may facilitate more than 10% wind power in the electricity system. In future research more precise assessments can be made of whether to increase the storage size or whether to expand capacities in turbines and pumps. Using heat pumps also shows good the results in combination with CHP, in this paper and future research can give more precise results about such possibilities. With more wind, power integration technologies and system regulation are required. Additional confirmation of wind power data and hydropower production in Croatia is required to have more accurate results in future analyses. Large-scale integration of wind power in the Croatian energy systems requires new technologies in other parts of the energy system.

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