Composição química, digestibilidade e predição dos valores energéticos da farinha de carne e ossos para suínos - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v30i1.3597

The objective of this study was to determine the chemical and energetic composition of six different meat and bone meals, and to develop prediction equations of digestible and metabolizable energy based on the chemical composition of the feeds. In order to determine the digestible and metabolizable energy values, 28 crossbreed swine were used – castrated males, averaging 25.90 ± 1.95 kg initial weight, allotted in a randomized block design with seven treatments, four replicates and one animal per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of a basal diet and six meat and bone meals, which replaced by 20% the basal diet. The digestible and metabolizable energy values varied from 1717 to 2908 kcal kg -1 and from 1519 to 2608 kcal kg -1 , respectively. The prediction equation of digestible and metabolizable energy that presented the highest R 2 for meat and bone meal were: DE = 1196.11 + 44.18 CP – 121.55 P and ME = 2103.35 + 22.56 CP – 164.02 P.