The Study of Thermal Performance on Solar Window
The aim of this study was to analysis the Heating/cooling performance of Solar Window built in apartments. The solar window is the idea to integrate daylight as a third form of solar energy into a PV/Solar Collector system and allows more control due to the possibility to close the reflectors. However, there can be a conflict between the desire for on one hand daylight and view and on the other hand optimal energy conversion for the PV/Solar Collector system. The process of this study is as follows: 1) The Solar Window system is designed through the investigation of previous paper and work. 2)The simulation program(ESP-r, Therm5.0, Window6.0) was used in Heating/cooling performance analysis. The reference model of simulation was made up to analysis Heating/cooling performance on Solar Window. 3)Selected reference model(Floors:15, Area of Unit:148.5m²) for heating energy analysis, Energy performance simulation with various variants, such as U-value of Solar Window system according to its position and angle. Consequently, When Solar Window system is equipped with balcony window of Apartment, Annual heating and cooling energy of reference model was cut down about 5%~11%.