Single-Shot Scene Reconstruction

We introduce a novel scene reconstruction method to infer a fully ed1 itable and re-renderable model of a 3D road scene from a single image. We rep2 resent movable objects separately from the immovable background, and recover a 3 full 3D model of each distinct object as well as their spatial relations in the scene. 4 Based on transformer-based detectors and neural implicit 3D representations, we 5 build a Scene Decomposition Network (SDN) that reconstructs the scene, and the 6 reconstruction can further be used in analysis-by-synthesis via differentiable ren7 dering. Trained only on simulated road scenes, our method generalizes well to real 8 data in the same class without any adaptation thanks to its strong inductive priors. 9 Experiments on two synthetic-real dataset pairs (PD-DDAD and VKITTI-KITTI) 10 show that our method can robustly recover scene geometry and appearance, as 11 well as reconstruct and re-render the scene from novel viewpoints. 12

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