Description of the Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model: Version 4 (MM4)

The report describes a limited-area, hydrostatic, primitive equation numerical model developed by the Pennsylvania State University and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). The model is known as the Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model, Version 4, or MM4. The report documents the continuous-model equations and their finite-difference analogs, the horizontal and vertical grid structures, the lateral boundary conditions, and the parameterization of physical processes in the model. These processes include surface fluxes of heat, moisture and momentum, the turbulent transport of these quantities in the planetary boundary layer and the free atmosphere, horizontal diffusion, and the release of latent heat in convective and nonconvective clouds. The report also provides references to other reports and publications that document the modeling system and applications of the system to the simulation of atmospheric phenomena.

[1]  Da‐Lin Zhang,et al.  A two-way interactive nesting procedure with variable terrain resolution , 1986 .

[2]  T. Carlson,et al.  Some Effects of Surface Heating and Topography on the Regional Severe Storm Environment. Part I: Three-Dimensional Simulations , 1986 .

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[7]  Richard A. Anthes,et al.  Numerical Simulation of Frontogenesis in a Moist Atmosphere , 1984 .

[8]  Y. Kuo,et al.  Numerical Simulations of a Case of Explosive Marine Cyclogenesis , 1983 .

[9]  Da‐Lin Zhang,et al.  A High-Resolution Model of the Planetary Boundary Layer—Sensitivity Tests and Comparisons with SESAME-79 Data , 1982 .

[10]  Y. Kuo,et al.  The Evolution of the Mesoscale Environment of Severe Local Storms: Preliminary Modeling Results , 1982 .

[11]  R. Anthes,et al.  Tests of a Fine-Mesh Model over Europe and the United States , 1979 .

[12]  Richard A. Anthes,et al.  Numerical Simulations with a Three-Dimensional Mesoscale Model , 1978 .

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[18]  H. Kuo Further Studies of the Parameterization of the Influence of Cumulus Convection on Large-Scale Flow , 1974 .

[19]  S. Esbensen,et al.  Determination of Bulk Properties of Tropical Cloud Clusters from Large-Scale Heat and Moisture Budgets , 1973 .

[20]  ..................................................,et al.  Development of Asymmetries in a Three-Dimensional Numerical Model of the Tropical Cyclone1 , 1972 .

[21]  Richard Asselin,et al.  Frequency Filter for Time Integrations , 1972 .

[22]  J. Deardorff,et al.  Parameterization of the Planetary Boundary layer for Use in General Circulation Models1 , 1972 .


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