Science in soccer

The aim of the session is to identify and discuss the role of sports science within elite soccer performance and training. The exercise pattern of soccer can be described as dynamic, random and intermittent to an extent which makes physical conditioning of players a complex process. This provides a huge challenge for coaches to condition players for the specific requirements of the game while also posing the dilemma as to which factors should be prioritised at different phases of the season. This process is further complicated by the inclusion of short-term events such as major soccer championships either in the on- or off-season. The session will explore the physiological and psychological demands of match play and provide an overview of the causes of fatigue. The role of routine exercise testing during the season will be examined and practical perspectives will be provided to demonstrate the link between sports science and performance in English professional soccer. The session will conclude with a sports science perspective on the acute requirement of preparing for and supporting the New Zealand team's participation at the XXIXth Olympiad.