Energy performance of an existing hospital in Lyon, France: Proposition of energy-efficient improvements and study of the energy and financial savings

The French historical electricity supplier EDF has lost its monopoly on electricity supply, opening the way for other energy companies to take over their market. In order to take advantage of such a measure, energy efficiency companies, such as COFELY Services, are developing offers for electricity supply with energy efficiency commitment. This commitment allows the final user to reduce its bill via energy-efficient improvements and financial engineering on contracts.A hospital has huge electricity consumption due to its internal process and surgeries, and it has often a non optimum use of their building management system, because the manager focuses first on the process. This thesis will deal with the other electricity consuming posts: the one related to comfort.Such a work needs to have a good understanding of the site. It involves regular audits and exchanges with people on site as well as with suppliers and companies in charge of controlling the very strict hospital norms.Electricity use is more complex than it can seem at first sight. It is not only about lighting, but also about heating and cooling and more generally thermal comfort. Such a study then implies modelling of air handling units and their impact on the overall energy use.Results shown in this thesis show that a better use of the building management system allows savings on both electricity and thermal energy use. In addition to this kind of action, a better control of a state of the art lighting system help reducing the electricity use of this kind of building without damaging the surgeries while respecting norms and surgeons comfort.Such a study shows that energy improvements come from works with investments but also from a better use of existing resources, coming from a good understanding of a building. Measures proposed in this thesis can be duplicated for other buildings, not necessarily with the same use, but have to be adapted to both the building and its users.