CONFORM - A visualization tool and method to classify driving styles in context of highly automated driving

The paper introduces the method and tool CONFORM (Conflict regocnition by image processing methods). CONFORM will be integrated as a driver model into the ibeo test vehicle during the project phase of EU–project HoliDes. The aim of CONFORM is to support the system designer to properly parameterize the default behavior of a highly automated vehicle to guarantee a high system acceptance. Thereby CONFORM addresses intra and inter individual differences in the driving behavior. CONFORM measures the difference between the default system behavior and the natural driving behavior of a human driver situation-dependent to determine the necessity of an adaptation. Based on a driving simulator study the paper describes how CONFORM is able to visualize and to cluster certain driving patterns/styles in a vehicle following/vehicle approaching scenario. We use the study results to derive recommendations for the design of the system behavior of highly automated vehicles.