Приборостроение, метрология и информационно-измерительные приборы и системы

Minimax strategy of mechatronic converters efficiency improving relative to error decrease with velocity increase at the same time provides common dataware level rise. The analysis of usage possibilities of different type position transducers (PT) gives the advantages of resolvers. The subsequent processing of their output signals is performed by “Resolver-to-Digit” Converter (RDC) which provides displacement digital equivalent and digital or analog signals specifying its velocity and acceleration. With appearance new electronic component, including microcontroller, for increasing of accuracy of the measurements of the corner of the tumbling resolver possible to use such methods, which earlier realize was not on. Given article contains the offers about the most further development of the technical decisions for RDC of the corner. Replaceable elementary substracting section, traditionally used in all, without exception, schemes of the automatic regulation, on more “intellectual” statistical section, possible avoid the influence signals in sidebar to feedback on accuracy of the transformation.