Multi-interaction Network with Object Relation for Video Question Answering

Video question answering is an important task for testing machine's ability of video understanding. The existing methods normally focus on the combination of recurrent and convolutional neural networks to capture spatial and temporal information of the video. Recently, some work has also shown that using attention mechanism can achieve better performance. In this paper, we propose a new model called Multi-interaction network for video question answering. There are two types of interactions in our model. The first type is the multi-modal interaction between the visual and textual information. The second type is the multi-level interaction inside the multi-modal interaction. Specifically, instead of using original self-attention, we propose a new attention mechanism called multi-interaction, which can capture both element-wise and segment-wise sequence interactions, simultaneously. And in addition to the normal frame-level interaction, we also take the object relations into consideration, in order to obtain more fine-grained information, such as motions and other potential relations among these objects. We evaluate our method on TGIF-QA and other two video QA datasets. The qualitative and quantitative experimental results show the effectiveness of our model, which achieves the new state-of-the-art performance.

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