Quantum dots: a new approach to low Vπ optical modulators

Preliminary analysis has shown that quantum dots enable tens of millivolt-range operation of phase-shifters in a semiconductor Mach-Zehnder interferometer modulator. Our methodology based upon the quantum dot experimental work of Hse et al, makes use of his measured exciton line shapes to estimate refractive index changes in a PIN structure in which the intrinsic laser is loaded with self-organizing quantum dots and their associated wetting layers. We consider both forward and reversed bias cases; in the former, the interferometer phase shift sections become DFB lasers, and in the latter, the phase shift is caused by the quantum-confined Stark effect (QCSE). With the latter, we found a trade-off between low operating voltage and modulating bandwidth. For a phase shifter insertion loss of 5 dB, a 250-micron long phase section will yield a pi/2 control voltage of 50 mV at a bandwidth of around 18 GHz. Ifi 90 mV control voltage swing can be tolerated, the modulator bandwidth increases to 30 GHz. If a resonant tunneling diode (RTD) is made part of the assembly, the local E-field is enhanced by a factor of 5 to 10, thereby reducing the drive requirements even further. Similar, though narrower bandwidth results were noted for the DFB laser phase modulator concept.