Discordant Harmonies: A New Ecology for the Twenty-first Century

Acknowledgements PART I: THE CURRENT DILEMMA: A view from a marsh: myths and facts about nature Why the elephants died: breakdown in the management of living resources Moose in the wilderness: stability and the growth of populations Oaks in New Jersey: machine age forests PART II: BACKGROUND TO CRISIS: Mountain lions and mule deer: nature as Divine Order Earth as a fellow creature: organic views of nature In Mill Hollow: nature as the great machine PART III: EVOLVING IMAGES: The forest in the computer: new metaphors for nature Within the moose's stomach: nature as the biosphere Fire in the forest: managing living resources PART IV: RESOLUTIONS FOR OUR TIME: Winds on Mauna Loa: how to approach managing the biospehere The moon in the nautilus shell: nature in the 21st century Postscript: A guide to action Chapter notes Key concepts and terms.