Message from the AHPCN-10 Symposium Chairs

AHPCN-10 contains 2 invited papers selected from the ones submitted to the HPCC-10 main track, and thus all the papers were peer reviewed by members of the HPCC-10 program committee. The symposium covers a broad range of topics in the field of high performance computing and networking such as parallel and distributed system architectures, parallel and distributed software technologies, parallel and distributed algorithms, embedded systems; grid, cluster and peer-to-peer computing; web services and internet computing, performance evaluation and measurement, distributed systems and applications, high-performance scientific and engineering computing, database applications and data mining, biological/molecular computing, mobile computing and wireless communications; network protocols, routing, algorithms; pervasive/ubiquitous computing and intelligence; autonomic, reliability and fault-tolerance; and trust, security and privacy. We thank the authors for submitting their work and the members of the HPCC-10 program committee for managing the reviews of the symposium papers in such short time.