Growth and silica content of the diatoms Thalassiosira weissflogii and Navicula salinarum at different salinities and enrichments with aluminium

The dependence of the cellular (biogenic) and frustule-associated (mineralized) silica content of the diatoms Navicula salinarum and Thalassiosira weissflogii on salinity and aluminium conditions was studied in order to make it possible to manipulate silicification in vitro and maximize it to levels required for physico-chemical frustule characterization by physisorption, X-ray scattering analysis and NMR, which is our ultimate objective. Enrichments with AlCl3 increased growth and the final cell density of the pennate N. salinarum, but not of the centric species T. weissflogii. Aluminium additions did not, however, result in a significant increase in the biogenic or mineralized silica content per cell and could not be detected in the silica matrix of the frustule. In contrast, lowering the salinity from 28 practical salinity units (PSU) to 20 and 15 resulted in a significant increase in the biogenic silica content per cell of both species, which is in line with an increase in density of the chemically de...