The Psychology of adoption
PART I: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE ON ADOPTION ADJUSTMENT: David M. Brodzinsky: A stress and coping model of adoption adjustment Remi J. Cadoret: Biologic perspectives of adoptee adjustment Paul M. Brinich: Adoption from the inside out: a psychoanalytic perspective Marshall E. Schechter & Doris Bertocci: The meaning of the search PART II: RESEARCH ON ADOPTION: Michael Bohman & Soren Sigvardsson: Outcomes in adoption: lessons from longitudinal studies John Triseliotis & Malcolm Hill: Contrasting adoption, foster care and residential rearing Kenneth Kaye: Acknowledgment or rejection of differences? Janet L. Hoo pes: Adoption and identity formation Harold D. Grotevant & Ruth G. McRoy: Adopted adolescents in residential treatment: the role of the family Arnold R. Silverman & William Feigelman: Adjustment in interracial adoptees: an overview Trudy Festinger: Adoption disruption: rates and correlates PART III: CLINICAL ISSUES IN ADOPTION: Ann Hartman & Joan Laird: Family treatment after adoption: common themes Christina Lindstrom & Judith Schaffer: Solution-focused therapy with adoptive families Wells Goodrich, Carol S. Fullerton, Brian T. Yates, & Linda Beth Berman: The residential treatment of severely disturbed adolescent adoptees PART IV: SOCIAL POLICY AND CASEBOOK ISSUES IN ADOPTION: Elizabeth S. Cole & Kathryn S. Donley: History, values, and placement policy issues in adoption Anne B. Brodzinsky: Surrendering an infant for adoption: the birthmother experience Anne Baran & Reuben Pannor: Open adoption Andre P. Derdeyn: Foster parent adoption: the legal framework References Author index Subject index.