A method of combining ALGOL and COBOL

This paper presents a method for combining ALGOL and COBOL. The purpose and general approach is described; the basic principle is to try to give both groups what they want rather than forcing one group to conform to the other. The major and conceptual differences are listed and described under the headings (a) type of problem to be solved; (b) general usage of the language; (c) symbolism; (d) data description; (e) input-output. Four types and levels of interchangeability are listed and described, namely (a) transliteration of basic symbols; (b) transliteration of groups of symbols; (c) translation of groups of symbols; (d) arbitrary differences. A listing of elements which are interchangeable under one of the first three categories cited above is given. Arbitrary differences between the two languages are given. Two sections consider the changes which must be made to each language to have them coincide in the areas where they basically overlap. The paper ends with some indications of the magnitude of the modifications involved. This paper is intended primarily to show a method which can be used to bring the languages together. The changes can only be made officially through the committee maintaining each language.