Assembly language programming, 8086/8088, 8087

THE ENVIRONMENT OF A PROGRAM: The Hardware of a Micro Computer System Operating Systems, MS-DOS, and Interrupt Routines INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL CONTROL OF A PROGRAM: Writing the First Programs Macros and Procedures Physical and Logical Segments Program Control The Stack Addressing with Registers INTERACTION BETWEEN A PROGRAM AND MS-DOS: The MS-DOS Environment .COM and .EXE Programs Using DEBUG Changing an Interrupt Routine DATA MANIPULATION: String Instructions A Structured Program Sorting Arrays The Modular Approach to Programming Binary I/O The Flags Register Hexadecimal and Decimal I/O Multiplication and Division BCD Representation Multibyte Addition ADVANCED TOPICS: Basic File Manipulation Structures, Records, and Macros Creating an Interrupt Routine ROM-BIOS External Calls of Assembly Language Routines Elementary Graphics The 8087 Numeric Processor Extension.