Intermodal transport and international flows of illicit substances: Geographical analysis of smuggled goods in Italy

Abstract In this study we describe the smuggling activities involving drugs and cigarettes within the Italian multimodal logistic system in the period between 2004 and 2014. Data concerning the smuggling flows intercepted by Italian authorities are used to carry out detailed studies about the evolution of the trafficking of illicit substances. Several dimensions of these episodes, including geographical analyses, are assessed using quantitative methods to investigate how the international trafficking of such categories has evolved over the last decade. Numerical data shows how the illicit substances and the methods to smuggle them have evolved over time in the Italian logistic network. Detailed data about the geographical areas of origin and the destination of these flows are also provided. These results can be used to implement and develop more robust and effective methods to contrast illegal substances trafficking and/or to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures to curb smuggling activities that are adopted by Italian custom offices and institutions.