Sintomas do modo de vida burguês no Vale do Paraíba, Séc.XIX: fazenda São Fernando, Vassouras, RJ Exploração arqueológica e museológica

In the scope of an archaeological project that deals with the arising of a boufgeois way of life, which carne before the establishment of the bourgeoisie itself, cottee plantations from middle 19th century in the Vale do Paraiba are being investigated. The Fazenda Sao Femando, locatea in Massambara, county of Vassouras, RJ, as one of the most conspicuous examples of the rise and fali process of the monoculture in the valley, has been worked out to become one of the places to disclose such past. Archaeology and Museology acting in concert, are displa'y,'ing and retuming to the community ali data recovered through sistematic diggings, thus assuring the preservation of the valley's memory.