Real Time Balancing Control of 2 Wheel Robot Using a Predictive Controller

In this paper, the two-wheels robot using a predictive controller to maintain the balance of the posture control in real time have been examined. A reaction wheel pendulum control method is adopted to maintain the balance while the bicycle robot is driving. The objective of this research was to design and implement a self-balancing algorithm using the dsPIC30F4013 embedded processor. To calculate the attitude in ARS using 2 axis gyro(roll, pitch) and 3 axis accelerometers (x, y, z). In this study, the disturbance of the posture for the asymmetrical propose to overcome the predictive controller which was a problem in the control of a remote system by introducing the ∙ 제1저자 : 강진구 ∙ 투고일 : 2014. 2. 12, 심사일 : 2014. 2. 19, 게재확정일 : 2014. 2. 25. * 강동대학교 자동차튜닝과 부교수(Dept. of Automotive Tuning, GangDong University) ※ 본 연구는 2013년도 강동대학교 교내학술연구비 지원으로 제작하였음. 12 Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information March 2014 two wheels of the robot controller and the linear prediction of the system controller combines the simulation was performed. Also, the robust characteristic for realizing the goal of designing a loop filter too robust controller is designed so that satisfactory stability of the control system to improve stability of the system to minimize degradation of performance was confirmed. ▸