Evaluation of the new Cairwave Therapy System in one hospital trust.

The Pegasus Airwave mattress has been used for many years in the Eastbourne NHS Trust and has proven its efficiency in the prevention of pressure sores. Pegasus has now produced a new, improved, model: the Cairwave Therapy System. This article looks at criteria that may be used to determine whether the new model is suitable for patient care. The evaluation took the form of a randomized controlled study in which 12 mattresses were randomly allocated to patients--six Airwave mattresses and six Cairwave Therapy Systems--over a 4-month period. The results of the evaluation showed that patients found the mattress comfortable. An encompassing cover reduced the risk of cross-infection, rehabilitation was supported by the firm edges of the bed and patient movement was easier due to the soft cover. During the trial all patients remained free from pressure sores.