Prototyping and Composing Aspect Languages: using an Aspect Interpreter Framework

A method for manufacturing a safety/rescue knife requires the forming of four blank laminates. Each blank laminate has a handle portion and includes a base arm which is attached to the handle portion. Also, each blank laminate has an extension arm which extends from the base arm to define a groove therebetween. One blank laminate is further formed with a cut out in its base arm, and another blank laminate is further formed with a cut out in its extension arm. The method then requires aligning each of the cut out laminates with a respective blank laminate to create blade recesses. Next, cutting blades are placed in the recesses, and the cut out laminates are juxtaposed in alignment. The blank laminates are then connected together to hold the inner laminates and the blades therebetween with the blades crossed to establish a cutting angle in the groove.

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