Effectiveness of Fit Check Methods on Half Mask Respirators

Abstract Studies were conducted to evaluate whether a positive/negative (+/-) fit check was an effective aid in helping users of respiratory protective equipment (RPE) achieve a good fit when donning the RPE. Two types of half-facepiece RPE were used in the studies: the disposable, filtering facepiece and the elastomeric facepiece. Three models of disposable, filtering facepiece and one model of dual-cartridge, elastomeric facepiece were evaluated. A population of 64 inexperienced users of RPE was randomly divided into two equal groups. One group was trained to don the RPE using the +/- fit check as an aid, while the second group was trained to don the RPE without conducting a +/- fit check. The number of successful RPE donnings achieved in the group using the fit check was compared with the number of successful RPE donnings achieved in the group not using a fit check. The data obtained from this experiment suggested that, in general, fewer unsuccessful donnings and more consistent donnings were obtained ...