Since the first-loading fuel of the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) is the first mass-production High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) fuel in Japan, their quality should be carefully inspected. For the quality control related to the fabrication process, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) carried out the tests to certify the fuel integrity during operation. The tests comprise (1) as-fabricated SiC failure fraction measurement, (2) high-temperature heatup test of irradiated fuel and (3) accelerated irradiation test. For (1), the SiC failure fraction was measured independently in JAERI in addition to the measurement in the fabrication process. The measured failure fractions agreed within 95% confidence limit. In order to confirm the integrity of the SiC layer with respect to the 1,600°C criterion, the high-temperature heatup test of irradiated fuel compact was carried out. The result showed that no failed particle was present in the fuel compact after heating. The diffusion coefficient of metallic fission products in SiC layer was also examined in a series of post-irradiation heating tests. The measured diffusion coefficient of 137Cs showed a good holding ability as those obtained for research and development fuel specimen. The measured fission gas release rate in accelerated irradiation test showed no additional failure up to 60 GWd/t which was about two times higher than 33 GWd/t of the maximum burnup in the HTTR core. Through the tests, integrity of as-fabricated first-loading fuel of the HTTR was finally confirmed. The future post-irradiation test plan, which will be carried out to confirm the fuel irradiation performance and to obtain the data on its irradiation characteristics in the core, is also described.
Shusaku Shiozawa,et al.
Fabrication of the First-Loading Fuel of the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor
Shusaku Shiozawa,et al.
Development of a Coated Fuel Particle Failure Model under High Burnup Irradiation
Kazuhiro Sawa,et al.
An Investigation of Irradiation Performance of High Burnup HTGR Fuel
T. Ogawa,et al.
Release behavior of metallic fission products from HTGR fuel particles at 1600 to 1900°C
S. Saito,et al.
Design of high temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR)