In recent years, thepublic and the private spheres have beenblended ininterestingways. The mass media make the most private aspects of the lives of celebrities public and also the lives of ordinary people regularly feature in their publications. Letters to the editor (and more recently online commentaries) have always been a format for ordinary people to make their private voices heard in public. However, on the basis of data from The Times published in 1985 and from the Times Online published in 2008, we argue that in the development from the letters to the editor to the online discussion forums new configurations of public and private are discernible. This development affects the communicative situation, the content and the linguistic realization of the texts in different, albeit not independent ways. For the purpose of this argument it is necessary to develop a newcommunicativemodel that clearly distinguishes betweenthe relevantdimensions ofpublic andprivate.KochandOesterreicher (e.g. in Koch and Oesterreicher, 1985) developed a model of communication that relates the communicative situation to strategies of linguistic realization and distinguishes consistently between the phonic and graphic realization of language on the one hand, and between the language of immediacy and the language of distance on the other. This model will serve as the backdrop for our own model. We propose that their dimension of immediacy versus distance needs to be separated into three different dimensions. We, therefore, distinguish systematically between the communicative situation (the scale of public accessibility), the content (the scale of privacy) and the linguistic realization (the scale of linguistic immediacy). On the basis of thismodel it is possible to describe the traditional letters to the editor as being characterized by non-private contents and the language of distance while the discussion sections of recent online newspapers are characterized by private contents and the language of immediacy.
H. Burger,et al.
Mediensprache. Eine Einführung in Sprache und Kommunikationsformen der Massenmedien
Elinor Ochs.
Language socialization across cultures: From feelings to grammar: a Samoan case study
Andreas H. Jucker.
Social Stylistics: Syntactic Variation in British Newspapers
K. Imhof,et al.
Die Veröffentlichung des Privaten – die Privatisierung des Öffentlichen
C. Fletcher,et al.
Smoking and health.
WHO chronicle.
Wulf Oesterreicher,et al.
Sprache der Nähe — Sprache der Distanz. Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit im Spannungsfeld von Sprachtheorie und Sprachgeschichte
Romanistisches Jahrbuch.
Peter Koch,et al.
Schriftlichkeit und kommunikative Distanz
Peter Sieber,et al.
Parlando in Texten: Zur Veränderung kommunikativer Grundmuster in der Schriftlichkeit
Peter Koch,et al.
Sprache der Nähe — Sprache der Distanz. Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit im Spannungsfeld von Sprachtheorie und Sprachgeschichte
Romanistisches Jahrbuch.
A. Mehrabian,et al.
Language Within Language: Immediacy, a Channel in Verbal Communication
P. Koch.
Court records and cartoons: Reflections of spontaneous dialogue in early Romance texts
Mathilde Hennig,et al.
Theorie des Nähe- und Distanzsprechens
New ICTs and the Problem of ‘Publicness’
J. Meyrowitz,et al.
No sense of place : the impact of electronic media on social behavior