LAGEOS Scientific Results: Introduction
[1] D. Rubincam,et al. On the secular decrease in the semimajor axis of Lageos's orbit , 1980 .
[2] Thomas H. Jordan,et al. Present‐day plate motions , 1977 .
[3] David E. Smith,et al. Determination of the geocentric gravitational constant from laser ranging on near-Earth satellites , 1978 .
[4] P. J. Dunn,et al. Long term evolution of the Lageos Orbit , 1980 .
[5] J. Alexander. Higher harmonic effects of the Earth's gravitational field from post-glacial rebound as observed by Lageos , 1983 .
[6] Steven C. Cohen. Geophysical interpretation of satellite laser ranging measurements of crustal movement in California , 1985 .
[7] Francis J. Lerch,et al. A refined gravity model from Lageos /GEM-L2/ , 1982 .
[8] W. Peltier. Constraint on deep mantle viscosity from Lageos acceleration data , 1983, Nature.
[9] J. G. Williams,et al. Secular variation of Earth's gravitational harmonic J2 coefficient from Lageos and nontidal acceleration of Earth rotation , 1983, Nature.
[10] D. Rubincam. Postglacial rebound observed by lageos and the effective viscosity of the lower mantle , 1984 .
[11] David E. Smith. Celestial mechanics: Acceleration on Lageos spacecraft , 1983, Nature.