Method and system for protection of lawful interception
The invention relates to a method of electronic surveillance in a BWA system and a system. When asked for the law enforcement system of electronic surveillance for a specific target and performs an authentication process using a codebook to determine the legality of the first electronic surveillance requests in electronic surveillance system. This authentication process execution result, the law enforcement system of electronic surveillance request if it deems lawful electronic surveillance systems, electronic after issuing the cryptographic keys used to encrypt communications and electronic surveillance information with law enforcement, and monitoring systems and communication and message transmission is between law enforcement system is encrypted and decrypted using the password key. So it can block the illegal electronic surveillance requests by the users who have been granted the legal authority, only to legitimate users by issuing the encryption key to authorize the electronic surveillance information. These, electronic surveillance information via certified gwajeongwa encryption can prevent unauthorized access attempts by users who have been locked into the two have been given the legal authority. Broadband wireless access systems, law enforcement, electronic surveillance, security, and encryption key