This paper describes the set up and the progress of the EuroSDR project that studies the state-of-the-art in automated map generalisation implemented in commercial out-of-thebox software. The project started in October 2006 with a project team consisting of National Mapping Agencies (NMAs) and research institutes. From October 2006 till May
2007 four test cases of four different NMAs were selected, consisting of a large scale source data set, requirements for the smaller scale output map as well as symbolisation
information. Much effort has been put in specifying and harmonising requirements for the output maps. These requirements have been defined as a set of constraints to be
respected in the output maps. From June 2007 the project team tested the four test cases with four commercial out-of-the-box software systems: ArcGIS, Genesys,
Change/Push/Typify and Clarity. The vendors of these systems performed parallel tests on the four test cases in which they were allowed to customise their systems. An
evaluation methodology has been designed and partly implemented. Results are expected by the end of 2008.