North polar cap of Mars: Polar layered deposit characterization and identification of a fundamental climate signal

of the cap (6 10 5 km 2 ) in the 13 images analyzed to date. 3) Assessment of geometric relationships shows that layers are not horizontal, but rather have an apparent dip of approximately 0.5 degrees. We interpret these results as follows: 1) The fundamental 30 m signal is interpreted as a climate signal that may correspond to a 51 kyr insolation cycle. 2) The lateral correlation and broad distribution of these layer sequences strongly imply that layer accumulation processes are widespread across the cap, rather than confined within a single trough or region. 3) Local to regional variability in individual layer thicknesses (and thus accumulation and sublimation rates) is typically less than a factor of 2.5, providing the ability to study regional trends, but often making it difficult to correlate visually the vertical sequences in individual cores. Finally, initial examination of layers located deeper in the stratigraphic sequence within the north polar cap than the 300 m thick Zone 1 provides evidence for a unit less than 100 m thick (Zone 2) in which the fundamental 30 m sequence is not detected. We interpret this as a deposit having formed during a recent high-obliquity phase of Mars, during which time polar volatiles underwent mobilization and were transport equatorward, leaving a polar lag of dust-rich material. The most recent ‘‘ice age’’ (0.5–2 Ma) offers a plausible candidate for this period of ice cap removal and lag deposit formation. An underlying Zone 3 (200 m) contains a dominant 35 m signal, and a lowermost Zone 4 (200 m) contains multiple signals but no dominant one. Together these four zones represent 800 m of vertical stratigraphic section, about one-fourth of the total thickness of the cap. These findings support earlier interpretations that orbital parameter variations could cause significant erosion and possibly complete removal of the polar caps. The interpreted crater retention ages of the layered terrain are consistent with the correlations and vertical sequences described here, suggesting that the polar caps wax and wane throughout geological history, depending on the evolution of orbital parameters. Definition of the 30 m unit signal holds promise for determining 1) the detailed origin of individual layer types, 2) the nature of deposition and sublimation processes and their relation to insolation geometry across the polar cap, and 3) correlation with and comparison to the south polar layered terrain record.

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