Zero Experience Required: Plug & Play Modular Transfer Learning for Semantic Visual Navigation

In reinforcement learning for visual navigation, it is common to develop a model for each new task, and train that model from scratch with task-specific interactions in 3D environments. However, this process is expensive; mas-sive amounts of interactions are needed for the model to generalize well. Moreover, this process is repeated when-ever there is a change in the task type or the goal modality. We present a unified approach to visual navigation using a novel modular transfer learning model. Our model can ef-fectively leverage its experience from one source task and apply it to multiple target tasks (e.g., ObjectNav, Room-Nav, Vi ewNav) with various goal modalities (e.g., image, sketch, audio, label). Furthermore, our model enables zero-shot experience learning, whereby it can solve the target tasks without receiving any task-specific interactive training. Our experiments on multiple photorealistic datasets and challenging tasks show that our approach learns faster, generalizes better, and outperforms SoTA models by a sig-nificant margin. Project page:

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