Bioengineering the Blood-gas Barrier.

The pulmonary blood-gas barrier represents a remarkable feat of engineering. It achieves the exquisite thinness needed for gas exchange by diffusion, the strength to withstand the stresses and strains of repetitive and changing ventilation, and the ability to actively maintain itself under varied demands. Understanding the design principles of this barrier is essential to understanding a variety of lung diseases, and to successfully regenerating or artificially recapitulating the barrier ex vivo. Many classical studies helped to elucidate the unique structure and morphology of the mammalian blood-gas barrier, and ongoing investigations have helped to refine these descriptions and to understand the biological aspects of blood-gas barrier function and regulation. This article reviews the key features of the blood-gas barrier that enable achievement of the necessary design criteria and describes the mechanical environment to which the barrier is exposed. It then focuses on the biological and mechanical components of the barrier that preserve integrity during homeostasis, but which may be compromised in certain pathophysiological states, leading to disease. Finally, this article summarizes recent key advances in efforts to engineer the blood-gas barrier ex vivo, using the platforms of lung-on-a-chip and tissue-engineered whole lungs. © 2020 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 10:415-452, 2020.

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