Emergence of migration behavior and adaptiogenesis to environments with sensory agents: Multigenerational migration of the monarch butterfly

An artificial ecosystem model was developed to study complex behavior of real organisms. The subject of the research is multigenerational migration of the Monarch butterfly in North America, and we approached the problem from an evolutionary simulation. The ecosystem consists of artificial agents and five areas. The model is based on real organisms and the areas where they live simulated with a genetic algorithm. We then designed a model of agents that have genetic factors. These genetic factors determine the behavioral strategies, physical features, and transformational strategies of the agent. Each area is modeled on areas where we can see the migration of the Monarch, and the environmental factors of each area change periodically. Because of the genetic factor of the agent and the change of the environmental factors, the agent adapts to the environment and evolves gradually by using a genetic algorithm. Results of the evolutionary simulation show that multigenerational migration behavior of the agent emerges as its genetic factors adapt to periodic changes of the environmental factors in their evolution. The migration process of agents and their genetic factors are discussed, and the migration of the agent and that of the Monarch butterfly are compared. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electron Comm Jpn, 95(12): 46–55, 2012; Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/ecj.11422