CHAPTER IV – Ratoon stunting disease

[1]  S. Matsuoka Elephant grass, an indicator plant for ratoon stunting virus of sugarcane , 1971 .

[2]  A. Gillaspie Ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane: serology. , 1978 .

[3]  M. Davis Properties and Relationships of Two Xylem-Limited Bacteria and a Mycoplasmalike Organism Infecting Bermuda Grass , 1983 .

[4]  D. Dean Single-stool plots for estimating relative yield losses caused by ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane , 1983 .

[5]  D. Teakle,et al.  A Note on the Diagnosis of Ratoon Stunting Disease of Sugarcane by Negative‐Stain Electron Microscopy of the Associated Bacterium , 1979 .

[6]  M. P. Early Ratoon stunting disease of sugar-cane in Kenya. , 1973 .

[7]  R. Antoine A Staining Technique for detecting Ratoon Stunting Disease in Sugar Cane , 1958, Nature.

[8]  R. Oellermann,et al.  The Isolation, Culture and Morphology of the Bacteria Associated with Ratoon Stunting Disease of Sugarcane , 1980 .

[9]  J. Bird,et al.  Electron Microscopy of Ratoon Stunted Sugar Cane: Microorganisms in Xylem , 1973 .

[10]  A. Gillaspie,et al.  Relationship between numbers of diagnostic bacteria and injury by ratoon stunting disease in sugarcane. , 1976 .

[11]  D. Teakle,et al.  Association of a small coryneform bacterium with the ratoon stunting disease of sugar-cane , 1973 .

[12]  J. Kao Microcolonies of the Bacterium Associated with Ratoon Stunting Disease Found in Sugarcane Xylem Matrix , 1978 .

[13]  H. Koike Interaction between diseases on sugarcane: sugarcane mosaic and ratoon stunting disease. , 1974 .

[14]  K. Damann,et al.  In situ localization and morphology of the bacterium associated with ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane. , 1980 .

[15]  A. Gillaspie Evidence that ratoon stunting disease of Sugarcane is caused by virus and not mycoplasma. , 1970 .

[16]  Michael J. Davis,et al.  Clavibacter: a New Genus Containing Some Phytopathogenic Coryneform Bacteria, Including Clavibacter xyli subsp. xyli sp. nov., subsp. nov. and Clavibacter xyli subsp. cynodontis subsp. nov., Pathogens That Cause Ratoon Stunting Disease of Sugarcane and Bermudagrass Stunting Disease† , 1984 .

[17]  J. F. Worley Electron Microscopy in situ of the Bacterium Associated with Ratoon Stunting Disease in Sundangrass , 1975 .

[18]  R. Davis,et al.  Diagnosis of ratoon stunting disease based on the presence of a specific micro-organism. , 1973 .

[19]  J. L. Dean,et al.  Comparison of Diagnostic Techniques for Determining Incidence of Ratoon Stunting Disease of Sugarcane in Florida , 1984 .

[20]  A. Gillaspie,et al.  Cane yield response to ratoon stunting disease. , 1982 .

[21]  R. Lawson,et al.  Isolation and pathogenicity of the ratoon stunting disease bacterium , 1981 .

[22]  C. Liao,et al.  Isolation, culture and pathogenicity to Sudan grass of a Corynebacterium associated with ratoon stunting of sugarcane and with Bermuda grass. , 1981 .

[23]  G. Ramírez-Oliveras,et al.  Further developments in the study of the ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane in Puerto Rico. , 1979 .

[24]  M. J. Davis,et al.  Ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane: isolation of the causal bacterium. , 1980, Science.

[25]  I. Forbes,et al.  Occurrence of the ratoon stunting disease in Louisiana and its control by use of hot-air treatments. , 1956 .

[26]  D. Teakle Ratoon Stunting Disease of Sugarcane: Possible Correlation of Resistance with Vascular Anatomy , 1975 .

[27]  M. M. Mayeux,et al.  An aerated steam system for controlling ratoon stunting disease. , 1979 .

[28]  D. Teakle,et al.  An anatomical basis for resistance of sugar cane to ratoon stunting disease , 1978 .

[29]  R. W. Harris,et al.  Immunofluorescent diagnosis of ratoon stunting disease. , 1978 .