The Cassini/Huygens Mission to the Saturnian System

The international Cassini/Huygens mission consists of the Cassini SaturnOrbiter spacecraft and the Huygens Titan Probe that is targeted for entry into the atmosphere of Saturn's largest moon, Titan. From launch on October 15, 1997 to arrival at Saturn in July 2004, Cassini/Huygens will travel over three billion kilometers. Once in orbit about Saturn, Huygens is released from the orbiter and enters Titan's atmosphere. The Probe descends by parachute and measures the properties of the atmosphere. If the landing is gentle, the properties of the surface will be measured too. Then the orbiter commences a four-year tour of the Saturnian system with 45 flybys of Titan and multiple encounters with the icy moons. The rings, the magnetosphere and Saturn itself are all studied as well as the interactions among them.