Herausforderungen für die Gestaltung von wissenschaftlichen Informationsinfrastrukturen durch Web 2.0: Am Beispiel eines heterogenen Anforderungs-Engineerings für einen Inhaltsverzeichnisdienst der Bildungsforschung

This article discusses the shifting situation of current awareness services following the recent development of Web 2.0 technologies: it provides a design space for a coherent current awareness service on the basis of RSS in the area of educational research. For a broader consideration of the disciplinary needs, the heterogeneous requirements engineering is elucidated in its fundamentals and exemplarily carried out. This approach dissociates itself from a purely technological rationality and it examines relevant local practices with their heterogeneous aspects in the design process. On the basis of these practices the different current local solution spaces, the problem spaces and the future solution spaces are analysed.