The Analysis of Bogie Platform of 200 km/h High-speed Passenger Locomotive in our Country

The platform scheme of the 3-axle locomotive bogie with 1 600 kW shaft power was built,according to the requirement for 200 km/h passenger transport in our country.The bogie can meet the demand to draw 18~20 passenger cars under the 200 km/h high-speed.By means of part adjustment in the bogie with the major structure of the locomotive body and bogie as well as the assembly interface remaining unchanged,the integration needs for the 21~23 t axle load locomotive at the 160~230 km/h speed can be satisfied.The design objectives of the 3-axle bogie structure project are the sufficient hunting stability, high adhesion,less abrasion,and low wheel/rail interaction force.Many items of sophisticated advanced technology are used,for example,the AC drive unit,driving unit flexibly suspended in bogie frames,low-order position push-pull traction,disc braking,worn profile wheel and flexible secondary suspension.The result indicates that the locomotive with the built bogie has the high nonlinear critical velocity at 480 km/h in theory.Its performance on tangent and curved tracks is very good.