Characterization Of Wireless MIMO Channel By Using Angle Diversity

Due to continuous development of wireless technology, wireless channel modeling has always has been research in order to enhance the performance. The development of communication system begins with Single Input and Single Output (SISO), Single Input and Multiple Output (SIMO), and then followed by Multiple Input and Single Output (MISO) and the recent communication system technique is Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MIMO). Basically, MIMO system uses multiple antennas at both transmitter and receiver. The main objective this project is to characterize the wireless MIMO communication channel by using angle diversity scheme. This project will investigate the best configuration that provides the highest channel capacity for indoor environment. MIMO system is one of the methods that can increase capacity within the same bandwidth and power received. But, there are some researches mentioned about whenever the number of antenna increase, mutual coupling and local correlation between them occurred. One of the solutions of this problem is angle diversity which is one of the diversity techniques to reduce the correlation effect and increase the channel capacity. There are four scopes in this project which cover the characterizing wireless MIMO channel by varying angle diversity, the front-end system, the measurement campaign and the channel analysis based on the measurement result