The Greek theatre and festivals : documentary studies

Introduction: From the ground up I. FESTIVALS AND PERFORMERS: SOME NEW PERSPECTIVES 1. Deconstructing festivals 2. Theatre rituals 3. Artists' participation and the organization of music contests in the Hellenistic period: an attempt at classification II. FESTIVALS OF ATHENS AND ATTICA 4. The men who built the theatres: theatropolai, theatronai, and arkhitektones 5. Choregic monuments and the Athenian democracy 6. Performance in the Pythion: the Athenian Thargelia III. BEYOND ATHENS 7. Dithyramb, Tragedy - and Cyrene 8. A Horse from Teos: epigraphical notes on the Ionian-Hellespontine Association of Dionysiac Artists 9. Kraton, son of Zotichos: artists' associations and monarchic power in the Hellenistic period 10. Theoria and theatre at Samothrace: the Dardanos by Dumas of Iasos 11. The Dionysia at Iasos: its artists, patrons, and audience 12. An opisthographic lead tablet from Sicily with a financial document and a curse concerning choregoi 13. Sicilian choruses