Production analysis and wellhead design

Abstract Gas well deliverability indicates the rate at which a gas well can produce at a given bottom hole or wellhead pressure. Nodal analysis plays an essential role in determining the size of tubing and whether tubing is necessary. Nodal analysis is essential in determining the flow constraint at various operating conditions. Without performing proper nodal analysis, it is not possible to optimize the production volume per well. Not having a proper tubing size such as a lower ID tubing size (than needed) can unwontedly curtail production rates and as a result, losing the time value of money. On the other hand, having a larger than the necessary tubing size can cause a faster need for using artificial lift, such as plunger lift, gas lift, etc. to lift the water and condensate out of the wellbore and to surface. With an increasing number of longer lateral developments exceeding 10,000 ft and, in some areas, getting closer to 20,000 ft, many operators do not run tubing from the start of the flow back to make sure the necessary volumes can be produced by taking advantage of time value of money.