Quantitative Seismic Interpretation: Preface

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[7]  J. Sherwood,et al.  Identification of lithology in the Gulf of Mexico , 1998 .

[8]  J. Hudson Wave speeds and attenuation of elastic waves in material containing cracks , 1981 .

[9]  Amos Nur,et al.  The Effects of Porosity And Clay Content On Wave Velocities In Sandstones , 1986 .

[10]  K. Walton,et al.  The effective elastic moduli of a random packing of spheres , 1987 .

[11]  T. Mukerji,et al.  Rock physics and AVO analysis for lithofacies and pore fluid prediction in a North Sea oil field , 2001 .

[12]  D. Foster,et al.  Another perspective on AVO crossplotting , 1997 .

[13]  N. Bleistein On the imaging of reflectors in the earth , 1987 .

[14]  Bernard Budiansky,et al.  Seismic velocities in dry and saturated cracked solids , 1974 .

[15]  D. Fouquet Principles of AVO Processing , 1990 .

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[33]  T. Mukerji,et al.  Applying statistical rock physics and seismic inversions to map lithofacies and pore fluid probabilities in a North Sea reservoir. , 1998 .

[34]  M. Batzle,et al.  'Fizz Water' and Low Gas Saturated Reservoirs , 2002 .

[35]  D. Whitcombe,et al.  Extended elastic impedance for fluid and lithology prediction , 2002 .

[36]  Richard T. Houck Estimating uncertainty in interpreting seismic indicators , 1999 .


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[68]  A. Ramos,et al.  Three‐parameter AVO crossplotting in anisotropic media , 2001 .

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[78]  L. D. Boer,et al.  Using Bayesian simulations to predict reservoir thickness under tuning conditions , 1998 .

[79]  B. Ursin,et al.  Thin‐bed AVO effects , 1998 .

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