The columbia guide to digital publishing

1.Introduction: Publishing in Today 's Digital Era, by William E.Kasdorf, President, Impressions Book and Journal Services, Inc.1.01 Digital publishing is both a given and a goal1.02 Various publishers, various solutions1.03 What next?2.The Technical Infrastructure, by Chris Biemesderfer, Seagoat Consulting2.01 Overview2.02 The basics of computer architecture2.03 The processing environment2.04 Display2.05 Data storage2.06 Data communications2.07 Additional interesting resources3.Markup: XML and Related Technologies, by William E.Kasdorf3.01 Overview3.02 HTML: HyperText Markup Language3.03 XML: the Extensible Markup Language3.04 Communication, cooperation, collaboration4. Organizing, Editing, and Linking Content, by John Strange, Group Production Director, Blackwell Publishing4.01 Overview: the transition from traditional to digital publishing4.02 Structuring content4.03 The impact of digital publishing on traditional publishing models4.04 Information about content: metadata4.05 Linking4.06 Conclusion5.Data Capture and Conversion, by Mark Gross, President, Data Conversion Laboratory5.01 Overview: Entering a world of structure5.02 Untangling content from structure5.04 The conversion process5.05 Analysis issues6.Composition, Design, and Graphics, by Thad McIlroy, President, Arcadia House6.01 Overview6.02 Text, graphics, and page layout: The three elements of a page6.03 Design vs. production6.04 Three key technologies6.05 PostScript: the language of print publishing6.06 PDF -Adobe 's Portable Document Format6.07 Typography6.08 Graphic types and file formats6.09 Color6.10 Page production6.11 Image capture and image processing6.12 Work flow6.13 Printing processes6.14 Working with printers6.15 Resources7. Accessibility, by Frederick Bowes,III, Electronic Publishing Associates7.01 Overview7.02 A closer look7.03 Closing summary7.04 Resources and documents8. Digital Printing, by George Alexander, Executive Editor, the Seybold Report8.01 Overview8.02 Digital printing technologies8.03 Uses of digital printing8.04 Available printing systems8.05 Sales channels for digital book printing9. Multimedia Publishing, by Florian Brody, President and CEO, Brody Inc.9.01 Overview9.02 What is multimedia?9.03 Deciding on multimedia9.04 Multimedia experience9.05 The business of multimedia9.06 Multimedia technology9.07 Rights issues9.08 Conclusion10. Content Management and Web Publishing, by Bill Trippe, President, New Millennium Publishing and Mark Walter, Consultant10.01 Introduction to content management10.02 Types of Content Management Systems10.03 Benefits of content management systems10.04 Issues to consider in content management10.05 Evaluating a content management system10.06 Post-implementation issues 45411.Electronic Books and the Open eBook Publication Structure, by Allen Renear, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and Dorothea Salo11.01 Introduction11.02 OEBPS in a nutshell11.03 Electronic books in general11.04 Thinking clearly about e-books11.05 The format problem11.06 The OeBF Open eBook Publication Structure11.07 In conclusion11.08 Some advice for e-book publishers11.09 For more information12.Archiving, by Heather Malloy, Digital Archive Manager, John Wiley &Sons12.01 The importance of archiving12.02 Other concerns for archiving12.03 Where to implement the archive12.04 Technology issues12.05 Issues in development and implementation12.06 Conclusion12.07 Resources13.The Legal Framework: Copyright and Trademark, by William S.Strong, Partner, Kotin, Crabtree and Strong, LLP13.01 Copyright13.02 Trademark law13.03 Other laws13.04 Lawsuits: Is there nationwide jurisdiction?13.05 Contracting with customers13.06 Conclusion14.International Issues, by Robert E.Baensch, Director, Center for Publishing, New York University14.01 Overview14.02 Internet users worldwide14.03 The STM industry leaders14.04 Establishing the Web Site14.05 Understanding the global environment14.06 Geographic and country priorities14.07 English and other languages14.08 New economics of information services14.09 Worldwide on-line advertising14.10 Marketing on the Internet14.11 International information sources14.12 Internet publishing law14.13 Conclusion15. Digital Rights Management, by Paul Hilts, Former Technology Editor, Publisher's Weekly15.01 Overview: What is DRM?15.02 Rights-based business models15.03 DRM technology15.04 DRM standards15.05 Legal developments: important legislation15.07 The state of the market15.08 DRM Implementation Issues