Protection of University Information Image from Focused Aggressive Actions

The article considers an actual problem of protecting university information image from focused aggressive actions. It also studies the protection of university information image in the context of its formation. There are two duration-based types of aggression (short-term aggression: less than one cycle of university information activity; permanent or long-term aggression: more than one cycle of university information activity). The paper considers processes that provide formation of information image of Internet social media, which greatly differ from traditional World Wide Web development processes. This raises the problem of forming university information image in social media, which is autonomous and requires separate study. There are phases of complex multistage process of protecting university information image from aggression (identification of aggression, analysis and prioritization of areas of aggression, resistance to aggressive actions, monitoring consequences of aggressor’s confrontation and attacks). The paper presents systemic features of aggression in respect to information image in the field of education. Motivation and actions of aggression coordinator and direct perpetrators have also been analyzed in the paper. Such separation is important from the standpoint of system, as it helps to better understand the nature of threats, their consequences and, therefore, consider them in further development of threat avoidance methods.